Local lawyer, Alan Alpass began practice in 1975 right here in Kilsyth where his practice
Alpass and Associates still remains with Alan as Principal. There is also an office in
His book “Grass Roots – Adventures of a Suburban Lawyer” describes a diverse collection of
case studies which range from the horrific to the hilarious, revealing with insight and
sensitivity the full gamut of people struggling at the grass roots level across every aspect of
humanity, making his job one of constant surprise, challenge and revelation.
For the past 15 years Alan has been appointed by the Victorian Legal Services Board and
Commissioner into the exceedingly rarified area of external interventions into law firms which
require management, audit compliance and supervision. Only the most experienced lawyers
are ever considered for such an appointment.
Alan began his presentation with an amusing joke about a lawyer with a Czec visitor who
was staying with him at Sorrento, and the two of them went surfing at the beach. Suddenly
the lawyer spotted two sharks circling: a male and a female. To his horror, he saw the visitor
being attacked by the male shark, and hastily, he clambered back up the beach to his
Porsche, and sped to the local police station for assistance. The constabulary returned with
a gun at the ready and fired at the female shark. Appalled, our solicitor railed at the
policeman demanding to know why, when he’d specifically told the officer that the aggressive
shark was the male. The policeman agreed that he’d understood, but retorted, “Who
believes a solicitor when he says there’s a Czec (cheque) in the male (mail)?!!”
The numbers of questions at the end of Alan’s presentation indicated that he’d had a most
receptive and attentive audience who had been keenly interested and who felt that they
were given the opportunity to raise any queries concerning their understanding of the legal
process, their own experiences or their frustration! Alan was most gracious with his
responses and was very clear in his intention that all members of the public should be made
as aware as possible about what is very often both a misunderstood and an arcane
We thank Alan sincerely for giving us his time and his interesting presentation. As he gives
few of these talks to groups like ours, we were very privileged to be granted this
consideration and we appreciate it greatly.
Next month we will host as our Guest Speaker Janice Haynes, who lives at the Cape
Schanck Lighthouse and who is the Victorian representative on LOA (Lighthouses of
Australia) Inc. and upholds the values to 'Preserve, Protect and Promote' Australia's
Lighthouse History. Janice is also the owner and host of the historic Tara House Bed and
Breakfast home in Bairnsdale, along with being the Manager of the Forge Theatre and Arts
Hub in Bairnsdale and she has had a long career in the Arts as a dancer and performer. It
would seem that we are in for an altogether different perspective of life and another most
wonderful presentation.
Finally, don’t forget the “Antiques Roadshow” visit we have coming to us in January. If you
have items you would like to be assessed, please return the form to me giving the details by
the next meeting. We need to know how many items will be presented which will determine
the length of the session.
Rosemary Buchanan
Convenor of Guest Speaker
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